All About Admins

Admins are users that have access to the game and the management system.

How do I assign or add an admin?

There are 2 ways you can create an admin.

1. If you'd like to promote a user to an admin, find that user under People, and users. Click into that user and turn ON their Admin Privileges.

2. Need to add a new Admin altogether? You can do this under Settings, General, and Admin. Click Create from the main Admin page and enter your Admins information. Then you can adjust their permissions accordingly - and done! 

How do I reset an admin's password?

When viewing the Admins table, click the checkbox next to the admin(s) you want to reset the password for, and then click the "Reset Password(s)" button.

The admin's password will be reset, and they will receive instructions on how to proceed via email.

How do I manage an Admin's access?

You have the ability to control what Admins can and can't see on the management side. 

First, to see your Admins, click on the "Settings" button on the left-side navigation. Under the General tab, you'll see an Admin tab on the right-hand side.

By clicking into an Admin from your Admin list, you can customize what permissions and tag access an Admin has. Don't want them changing any content or settings? Turn those toggles OFF.

Pick and choose what tags an Admin can see by checking/unchecking those boxes.

Pro Tip: As new tags are created, all admins are automatically granted access to them, so be sure to edit tag access as appropriate. 

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