Tags and Segments - Organizing Your Users


Tags allow you to organize your users based on attributes such as "Job Role" or "Location". 

Tags are another identifier for users. A user can have an unlimited number of tags to identify their group.   

How to add Tags:

1. Manual Creation

Under the People and Tag tabs, you can click the Create button to manually add a tag.
Tags are comprised of a key and a value pair. For example, you may have a tag with the key "Department" and the value "Sales", "IT", and "Call Center" or a tag with the key "Region" and the value "North America" and "Europe" These are merely examples, as you can quickly and easily create your own custom tag keys and values. 
Want these tags to be a segment? When creating your tag, turn Auto-Create Segment to ON. Wait, what's a segment again? Don't worry, keep reading. We've got a refresher for you below! 

Pro Tip: If you're thinking about turning Group leaderboards ON, they'll be grouped by your tag keys.

2. Importing with tags

You can even import tags with your users when using our templates - how easy is that? In addition to the required fields "email", "first_name", and "last_name", you can also add in your own custom column headers (tag keys) and row values (tag values). Tags will be automatically created for each combination of tag key and value.
In the example above, three tags would be created:
  • A tag with the key "Job Role" and the value "Sales"
  • A tag with the key "Job Role" and the value "Management"
  • A tag with the key "Region" and the value "Northeast"

The first user would get the "Job Role: Sales" and "Region: Northeast" tags, while the second would get the "Job Role: Management" and "Region: Northeast" tags.

How do I see which Tags a User has?

Click into the User tab, find the user, and then click their row – this will take you to their overview screen which contains a list of the tags they have.


If tags are how you organize users, segments are how you organize tags. Segments are the larger group of users and it's the way in which you'll send out your assignments.  
For example, if you have a tag with the key "Department" and the value "Sales", you can create a segment that contains only this tag, and it will represent users with the "Department: Sales" tag. This segment might be labeled as "Sales Department".
At a minimum, segments must contain at least one tag. However, you can use segments to create complex rule sets to identify users with specific combinations of tags.

How to add Segments:

Under the People and Segment tab, click Create. Name your segment and determine which tags you'd like included or excluded from that segment.
For a more complex example, let's say you have the following two tags "Department: Sales" and "Location: Dallas". You can create a segment with these two tags using the "all" method, and it will represent only the users with both the "Department: Sales" and "Location: Dallas" tags. This segment might be labeled as "Dallas Sales Team". You'll notice switching between the segment rules will change the formula to AND or OR. 
Pro Tip: Once you have your tags and segments set up, and have a few assignments under your belt, you can easily view the engagement and progress of users within each by dropping down any folder! 

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