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How do I import users?

This article should show how to import users in a similar way as this one.

Getting Started

There are two ways to add users into Trivie: one is to add on a one-off basis, and the other is to bulk import them via a CSV or Excel file. 

Navigate to the People tab on the left hand bar:

How do I add users individually?

1. Click on the Users tab in the top bar and then on the Add button:

2. Enter the users first name, last name, and email address. ( Employee ID is optional.

3. Add the tags you would like associated with the user. Users can have multiple tags

Forget what a tag is? Check out What are tags and segments?

4. You can choose to send, not send, or schedule a Welcome Email to the user you've just added. This will 

How do I add users in bulk?

1. Under the People and Users tab, click on the import button:

and download one of these import templates:

It doesn't  really matter which one you pick, all popular spreadsheet editors should be able to open and save files in either format. But, you will need a spreadsheet editor such as Microsoft Office, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, or even OpenOffice Calc.

2. You can use this template to populate the users information. When you open the template you'll see the following headers: 

You can add additional column identifiers and they will automatically add a Tag(s) to the user 

Ensure you have your Segments and tag flow set up before uploading bulk users. This will ensure all the tags route to the correct Segments that are set up 

3. Save your file and upload it in the User tab

4 Once you've added your new users, send them a welcome email to log in to Trivie!

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